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Pre Spring 2024

The art of curating art is all about the match, to get pieces to connect and interact together to add up to something larger. Naja has used ink, wax colors and oils drawing her composition. This creates an unpredictable and interesting combination of colors and texture as they react with each other. The mix can be both interesting and give surprising results. Elements from the paintings, has formed the groundwork for the more abstract floral motifs, that can be seen in prints and embroideries. In general art is fundamental to MUNTHE, and collaborations with female artists, is a reoccurrence each season.

This Pre Spring 2024 collection incorporates artworks from the New Zealand-based artist, Meg Gallagher. Gallagher has hand made a special art print, that is used for a selection of exclusive silk styles. The abstract, curving lines and the earthy hues, seems to be in harmony and works visually well with Naja Munthe’s paintings as well with the collection in its whole.

Pre Spring 2024

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