Please introduce yourself and tell us about what you do.
I’m Gabriela Meunié, a full-time professional artist based in Bordeaux, France. My art is influenced by my background as a French American born in Mallorca. Growing up in the 80s, I was exposed to the vibrant abstract art scene on this Mediterranean island. I began my career as a painter, studying art at the “Escola Massana” Art and Design Center in Mallorca and Barcelona. My early education focused on figurative drawing, before I embraced abstract expressionism, particularly on a large scale. In my artistic process, I prioritize the act of creation over theoretical concepts.
I create my own canvases, which allows me to feel a deep connection to my work from start to finish. I also create my own colours using pure pigments. This gives me control over the thickness and dilution, which is a very important aspect of my creative process. To me, each colour has its own soul.
Could you explain more about how being a woman has affected your career?
I believe an artist’s dedication to their craft should remain constant and consistent. Being a mother has actually helped me in my artistic journey, as it helps me to put all my attention into my work when I’m in the studio. While working, I don’t allow myself to waste any time. Every gesture I make is deliberate and full of energy. I believe in being fully present. In my personal life, my partner and our son inspire me a lot. To me, being a woman is empowering. The key in my career, as a woman, is to embrace and conquer challenges head-on.
Gabriela is wearing

Can you name some other female (artist) that inspires you and explain why they do so?
I draw inspiration from the North American artists Helen Frankenthaler and Joan Mitchell. I’m particularly drawn to their exploration of new artistic techniques. I believe that in painting by modifying the technique it inevitably leads to modifying the form, like when Helen Frankenthaler stopped using the coating that prevents paint from penetrating the canvas.
During my childhood in Mallorca, we often visited and were in contact with the Danish artist Lin Utzon. I loved being in her house and seeing her work, her style is very pure.

What has been the most challenging aspect of being a female artist?
To begin with, I’d like to say that my career as an artist is a daily challenge! I’ve been financially sustaining myself through my art since a very young age. One significant challenge has been balancing motherhood with my career as a professional artist. Personally, I have needed to separate my work as an artist and my role as a mother. This was quite difficult at the beginning, but I have learned to manage this balance, and it has strengthened me in many ways.

What would you like people to notice in your artwork?
I hope people notice a sense of well-being and pride when they own one of my paintings. I would like people to recognize the maturity and confidence in my work. For me, art is an inseparable part of my life.
Gabriela is wearing EDDER jacket, and ESTELLA bag.