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Please introduce yourself and tell us about what you do.

Five years ago, I opened a pop-up exhibition, together with Martin Paaskesen while writing my thesis in worn-down premises, with windows about to fall out, massive amount of spiderweb and walls that crumbled when I hammered nails into it. The vanishing was filled with joyful people and afterwards I was left with 200 wineglasses that needed to be washed by hand – and a sold-out exhibition.

Today, I am 30-year-old with a cand.mag degree in art history and last month I opened an exhibition at Hotel d'Angleterre. Since Autumn 2020 I have been running Annika Nuttall Gallery with a permanent location, but recently we moved to a more central location at Østergade 33 in Aarhus – of course with a dishwasher!

As a gallerist I work with developing what contemporary art is and what is does together with both representing and project based artists from Denmark and people from abroad. Moreover, I am a part of the Board of Directors at Dansk Gallerisammenslutning.

The gallery has two different directions in the art: The first is all about investigation of materials. Artists that specifically works with the interactions between you and the artworks, but also the sculptural form – and what it does to you. The second direction focuses on art with a playful stroke and a playful motive which often uses image-destroying features, making the artwork abstract. It might sound a bit nerdy but stop by the gallery and I will show you some examples!


Annika is wearing BOBULA DRESS

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Can you name some other female (artist) that inspires you and explain why they do so?

I have read scientific articles written by female art theorists, I have been captivated by arts made by female artists, and I have visited museums and explored galleries driven by female leaders. I don’t want to mention any specific names but with the consciousness of knowing other women have succeeded within this industry makes me trust my own gut feeling.



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Could you explain more about how being a woman has affected your career?

It's a tough question. My initial thought is that it hasn’t affected my carrier. I put in a lot of effort as any other driven businessowner who really wants to success within one’s field. It’s late evenings and strong coffee in the mornings. That’s just the name of the game.

On the other hand, I can’t avoid saying that it hasn’t affected my carrier. I’m just not sure in what way. I do things in my own way. I do what I think is the right way to do it. If being a woman has affected the way I run my business, it must be up to my customers and business partners to evaluate.


What has been the most challenging aspect of being a woman in the arts?

Finding the right outfits for my vanishings. Do I feel too sharp in a suit or is it just the perfect weather to wear a dress? Joke aside. Historically, the art business has been dominated by males however, more and more cool women have entered the industry both as gallerists, artists and in the museeumsbusiness.

As a businessowner its all about creating your own platform. Create your own spot in the market. The gallery industry is in general a though market to enter since you can’t get a gallerist degree. What are the mechanisms in the industry and what are the unwritten rules? These are the challenges to succeed on the same terms – across genders.


What would you like people to notice in your artwork?

I wish to move people in all age groups and with different backgrounds. Everyone is welcome in the gallery both for vanishings and all sorts of events that will be held. Both people who are newly interested in arts and experienced.

I hope to make the contemporary art more accessible for people – both in relation to sales but also the experience of going to galleries. It is free to explore galleries and its actually quite often a place where it’s possible to explore the most current side of the contemporary art scene.

We all have our usual exhibition program with both group- and solo exhibitions by either upcoming or established artists. Moreover, we have events such as Paper Sunday, which is a cozy Sunday event with coffee and chats about art. Here the focus is on unique paper works. That means entering Annika Nuttall Gallery, you will find artworks that varies a lot in price.

No matter if you are used to exploring galleries or not, I wish you a great experience. Don’t forget to use the gallerist for all your questions – that is your guide for the art world.

Additionally, I think that it’s interesting to visit my customers if they are looking for help to put up their newly bought works from my gallery. The curation in your home, meaning your choice of art pieces and the way they´re installed, presents your personality. It becomes unique and something that only YOU own.


Annika is wearing BOBULA DRESS.

Fotocredit: Anne Sofie Thorsen